New Bike!

08:45 Unknown 0 Comments

So, after lusting over this bike for a few years now, my hubby has given in and treated me to one! It's a Pashley Sonnet in a limited edition fuschia pink colour! Couldn't be more perfect for me really. It has a cute little woven basket on the front, and a proper ding ding bell too!!! 
Now I need to try and teach myself how to ride again as it's been a few years (or more... I think I last rode a bike when I was in high school and that's longer ago than I care to remember!) but I'm sure I'll get it again in no time. 
I'll be investing in a Weeride seat for Lilah to use and the plan is for lots of bike rides in the countryside and picnics in the summer while her brothers are still at school (so in the 6 weeks we have left til the summer hols!) I may even treat myself to a little picnic blanket that will attach to the back of the lovely leather seat (!!!!!)
Can you tell I'm absolutely in love with this beauty?!
Who else has used a Weeride seat and what are your opinions before I go out and get one? I'm thinking it will be nice to have her in front of me rather than sat behind. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Much love

Frances <3